20,000 Girls
20,000 girls have
access to education through
Training for Tomorrow programming.
Every Studio Samuel student who was eligible to take the
​National Exam (EGSECE + EHEEE) ​prepared and participated.
92% of Studio Samuel students were the first in their family to take the National Exam
94% of girls who entered
​Studio Samuel saw an increase in their grades within 6 months.
89% of Studio Samuel students said they were confident using their voice and adapting to new situations after participating in debate class and martial arts.
​Only 5% stated they were confident when entering ​the program.
2 in 5
2 students in 5 faced physical violence and were equipped
to protect themselves
from harm after learning
​martial arts training.
190 women in our community have received a micro-loan to launch or expand their business and they maintain a 90% repayment rate.