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A quiet computer lab stores 5,000+ pounds of rice for our girls' households

Studio Samuel

We thank YOU for making this possible by supporting our recent Covid19-relief campaign - and an exceptional note of gratitude to long time Studio Samuel supporter, GO Campaign, who matched your first $5,000!

​To reach our girls through this pandemic, we must support their caregivers today, ensuring they're safe and will re-open their businesses when this passes.

Each student's caregiver is receiving 15kg (33 pounds) of rice for her household. Our next delivery includes cooking oil + lemons; both are high in-demand items. In addition, a three-month supply of soap has already been provided to 155 families.

Much more to come as we continue our relief efforts in the community. If you have the room, there's still time to give today.

We know this is an unpredictable and challenging time for so many right now. Please stay safe and check-in on family & friends.

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